We are proud to join as Business Associate of Sankalpa Integrated Solutions in its journey of Recruitment and Training (www.sankalpais.com)

Results from Skill Assessment of candidate - The Sankalpa Way
Once the candidate is screened by our technical team and if approved without any need for any additional skill, the Resume is directly sent for interview. Alternatively, if the technical team recommends need for certain skills then the same is communicated to the candidate. The candidate after getting the feedback, can equip for the required skill.
However, based on our experience we realised that many skill courses are either too expensive, too much time consuming or too general in nature not able to meet the particular skill sets required for a job. So at
Sankalpa we have designed few skill courses for particular sector which can be completed by investing as low as 10 hours to equip for a particular skill for that job.
Few courses, which we have designed to address the above issues by devising online courses which are as follows,
Accountants guide on GST practical aspects and Filing for Traders - 10 hours
Accountants guide on Income Tax Filing for Traders - 10 hours
Accountants guide on GST practical aspects and Filing for Real Estate Builders - 10 hours
Accountants guide on Income Tax Filing for Real Estate Builders - 10 hours
Soft skills required for accountants - 5 hours
Site Accountant Skills for Builders and Infrastructure companies - 5 Hours
Sales Executive Training for Real Estate Developers - 5 Hours
Sales Executive Training for Real Estate Agents - 5 Hours
We are continuously identifying more of short term specific skills based on demand from traders, manufacturers, restaurant owners, supermarkets etc.